7th Havana Biennial -  Home November 2000 - January 2001Home
Jorge Macchi - Statement
Serial Victim, 1999
They are photos of words on advertising posters. With these words isolated from their surroundings, I construct a message with the logic and content of an anonymous threat pieced together from words or letters of various origins in order to retain the anonymity of the author.

In this work, two outlooks overlap each other: that of the author who is on a kind of a hunt for words in the city, and that of a fictive and anonymous figure lying in wait for one on every poster. The title [a play on "serial killer" - translator's note] refers to a disintegration of the killer as such and to the persistent recidivism of the victim [a play on "recidivist" - translator's note].

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The complete text is:

Your hour has come. Your last chance turns to dust. I'm laughing at you. You know that you have no way out. Your house is no longer a place of rest. You cannot go anywhere. The only thing waiting for you is death. I will follow you until you are out of breath. I will make mincemeat out of you. It's not enough anymore to see you merely suffer.

(Translated from the German version by Rebeccah Blum)

© Text, photo: Jorge Macchi
Translation: Gerhard Haupt & Pat Binder,
Universes in Universe
Macchi - 1 Tour

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